I want to share with you the magnificent letter (below) written personally by Pope Francis to the Catholic and Anglican congregations in Norwich -- and to all Julian lovers throughout the world -- on the occasion of the 650th Anniversary of her Revelations of Divine Love. As you will see from the attached below, Pope Francis offers a papal blessing to all who are involved in the celebrations that began on May 8th (her feast day for Anglicans and Lutherans) and continued through May 13th (her feast day for Catholics). Indeed, the festivities are continuing in Norwich and around the world . . .
I will be offering a two hour Zoom lecture entitled:
"Alle Shalle Be Wele: Living Resurrected Lives" for The Friends of Julian of Norwich on
Saturday, June 3rd, from 11am-1pm Pacific Daylight Time.
The event is FREE and all are welcome to attend. Please let your friends know about it as well!
Here's the Eventbrite link for registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-julian650-lecture-in-june-tickets-545296054177
In this lecture, I will delve into the deeper meaning of these sacred words, "Alle Shalle Be Wele," and examine the challenge they present in the midst of global conflicts as well as the transformative power they may have within our own personal crises. I will explore Julian’s anguished questions about the nature of sin and the value of suffering; the very questions that provoked these immortal words from the mouth of Christ. We will consider: Were these words revealed as prophecy or a sign of fulfillment? In answer, I will connect these words directly to faith in Christ’s glorious resurrection and the certain hope of our own – offering a theological foundation for "living resurrected lives" even now because “alle shalle be wele” in the ultimate sense.
I look forward to seeing you on June 3rd!
May Julian bless you abundantly,